Saturday 14 April 2012

The New Dukan Diet Cookbook - Picture!

I was out at the mall yesterday, stopped into a Coles bookstore looking for Fitness for Dummies or Running for Dummies, or Bodybuilding for Dummies... with a giftcard my dad gave me for Easter since I wanted to skip on the chocolate.

I successfully skipped out on the chocolate by the way. Wasn't even that difficult (I know, so hard to believe). :)

I couldn't find anything so I walked out of the bookstore and then stopped. Just stopped. I remembered the new Dukan Cookbook I didn't end up pre-ordering and went back in. A lady asked me if she could help and I asked her where it is but my eyes landed on it immediately.

At the checkout she asked me if I enjoyed the Dukan Diet and when I told her I lost 110 lbs on it she was completely floored. I felt so happy and proud and I still can't stop smiling.

I know the recipes in the actual Dukan Diet book are a hit and miss, but I'm looking through the recipes in this book and it seems they have made a few changes to a few and they look yummy, actually.
There are even some pictures, really well taken pictures. I'm excited to try a few of these.

An example of how they changed some of the recipes is where for the White Sauce recipe I tried earlier this week, he suggests putting cornstarch in... I guess he read your comment on my post Sonia :P

Anyways, I am already picking up some ingredients to try out some of these, namely Shrimp Stuffed Tomatoes and Cinnamon Chocolate Cookies. Very excited.

Also with regards to my fitness, I am on a complete winning streak! Yesterday marked a full 2 weeks straight of working out and today I have convinced the Prawn to come workout with me!

Only another 2 weeks of daily workouts and I can calm down to 5 minimum a week. I took another progress picture in my undies. I feel that motivates me the most because I want to see results. So far only a little bit of a change in the belly area, otherwise, nothing too drastic. Prawn says my butt looks rounder... thanks Prawn.


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